Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project 3 Proposal

For Project 3 I plan to design a campaign to educate San Francisco residents about our water supply. I feel that there is a lack of awareness about where our water comes from, its safety and cleanliness, and where our water waste goes to. Many people seem to distrust the quality of water here, though we actually have some of the cleanest and safest water in the world. The campaign would be comprised of a series of posters to be placed around the city, on buses, in bus stops, on Market Street, and even on the new interactive bus ads in some parts of the city. It would feature clear and simple infographics, tips on water usage and conservation tactics, and facts about water regulations and testing in a colorful, fun, and cohesive manner. I also hope to include information about using reusable water bottles and discouraging bottled water use. It would be primarily a print/poster campaign, but as mentioned there could be an interactive aspect used in interactive advertising spaces, and possibly even a website to go along with the poster campaign.



