Monday, April 15, 2013

Jesse Palmer / Kathryn Shearman

Today was certainly an inspiring example of DIY design. I love the handmade, crafty aesthetic of design done outside of the computer, but sometimes I need to be reminded just how much. It's easy to fall back on technology and not get your hands dirty...

Jesse Palmer visited us and spoke about his collective publication Slingshot, which he's been helping to produce for many years now. It's certainly a very unique publication, and he spoke about wanting to make it artful, fun, and distinct for readers which I think it absolutely is. The cut-and-paste and low-budget quality of the paper is really great I think, it doesn't take itself too seriously and instead serves as an outlet for some very free form art and writing. I found it very inspiring the way that it is completely not for profit, it simply exists to share information and creativity with the public. It seems to harken back to what printing is really all about.

We were also visited by Kathryn Shearman from Positive News. I hadn't heard of the publication, but I have to say I love its mission! I honestly avoid the news because of its negativity (which I know I shouldn't do), so I very much appreciate them spreading some hopefulness. After today, I'm very excited for next week's workshop. I've done a good amount of screen printing, but somehow never a process as simple as the one she demo'ed today. I'm really looking forward to making effective design by hand in such a simple manner. 

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