Monday, April 29, 2013

DIY Screenprinting

Last week we had a DIY screenprinting workshop with Kathryn Shearman of Kazoo Studios. We learned how to create printed designs with just paper and exacto blades, which was really simple and exciting to learn. We worked in teams to produce our final prints, and despite some minor problems they turned out great!

The assignment was to create a wearable billboard, and I decided to use the phrase "make something good." I like it because it encourages people to go out and create something of their own, and to contribute something to their community. It also means that if you make something, it should bring about something good, rather than something detrimental. I also liked that it could be taken to mean that you should make something that already exists good, as in alter it to be something better than it was. I think all of these meanings are good general principles to live by, and that's why I chose to wear it. 

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