Sunday, March 24, 2013

Further Timeline Work

This past week I continued working on the design of the timeline for project one. I incorporated the colors that Krystina developed, expanded the length of the timeline, and created an event template for everyone to input their research into. Sophie is currently working to produce category icons to classify different types of events. The new design looks like this:

The template looks like this:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Designing the Timeline

I've started working out a system for our timeline to be presented in. Sophie developed some typography for the design, and Krystina decided on colors (which I will be implementing later). We settled on breaking down the information into three location-based sections: San Francisco, The US, and The World. Within those, we will have categories for each event, each with their own color and icon. We have yet to pick the categories, but we're thinking along the lines of wars, inventions, movements, people, etc. 

Because there is so much information to present, I've been working on an interactive pdf in InDesign that will allow information to show up only when its representative dot is hovered over on the timeline. After seeing all of the research presented in class yesterday, we've also decided to have smaller dots representing important events (just an acknowledgment, no additional information), and larger color-coded dots for our class high-lighted events. The timeline will be a horizontal scrolling, interactive document to be viewed in a web browser. 

Next we'll be compiling all of the information into pop-up boxes (we'll be creating a template for it), developing categories and icons, and applying the color scheme to the timeline design.